Standing Committees and sub-committees are established as necessary to carry on the work of INACSL. The term of office for all appointed positions shall be two (2) years or until their successors are selected. Committee Chairs and members may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms on the same committee unless an exception is requested. Terms usually start in June, at the conclusion of the annual conference, and end the following June. All of INACSL's Standing Committees function virtually, allowing members to participate wherever they are located. Committee meetings occur regularly, typically monthly or quarterly, depending on the specific committee and their needs.
Conference Planning Committee Chair: Sarah Screws The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) is responsible for activities related to the annual conference, with special consideration for providing an engaging educational networking opportunity and balancing the needs of the novice to expert member from a variety of settings (education, industry, operations, and research).
Education Committee Chair: Christine Heid The Education Committee conducts robust environmental scanning to inform educational programming for our membership. The Education Committee is responsible for determining the annual webinar series topics and speaker selection, recommending subject matter experts, and brainstorming innovative ways to meet the needs of the simulation community through educational products and services.
Financial Oversight Committee Treasurer-Secretary: Liz Robison The Financial Oversight Committee is responsible for supporting financial oversight of the organization, monitoring audit/review cycles, and seeking revenue-generating opportunities.
Governance Committee Chair: Joann Crownover The Governance Committee is responsible for the work of Bylaws, policies, and procedures. They provide oversight and advisement to the INACSL Board of Directors regarding best practices in organizational governance. They review the Bylaws and facilitate updates as needed and assist with the creation and periodic review of organizational policies and procedures as needed.
IncluDe Committee Chair: Barbara Blackwell The IncluDE Committee fosters diversity, inclusivity, acceptance, and equity within INACSL and the healthcare simulation community to impact the profession and society. They work to cultivate understanding, appreciation, and recognition that diversity and individual differences are a source of strength.
International Affairs Committee Chair: Tagwa Omer The International Affairs Committee sustains a community of practice for international members regarding projects and international outreach. They facilitate collaboration between international members and other members who are native speakers of English, as well as promote publication of international research projects.
Membership Committee Chair: Nicola Contreras The Membership Committee is responsible for the work of increasing membership, providing engagement of membership, and retaining current members. They are responsible for executing the process for annual membership awards, including, but not limited to, the Excellence Awards and the Anthony Battaglia Conference Scholarship. They also review Special Interest Group (SIG) applications and present them to the INACSL Board of Directors for approval.
Nominations and Elections Committee Chair: Chelsea Lebo Per INACSL Bylaws, the Nominations and Elections Committee is responsible for annually soliciting names of members who are interested in running for any office through a virtual nomination process established by the Board of Directors. They prepare a slate of candidates for each elective office, present them to the Board of Directors for approval, and coordinate the virtual election.
Nurse Planners Committee Chair: Melinda Pierce The Nurse Planners manage the planning, implementation, and evaluation of accredited educational activities offered by INACSL to ensure compliance with accreditation regulations.
Research Committee Chair: Denise Campbell The Research Committee is responsible for supporting the advancement of the scholarship of simulation, generating ideas for research and research funding, providing members with opportunities to receive research training and mentorship, and managing INACSL’s research-related programs and awards. The Committee monitors the healthcare simulation research environment and provides recommendations to the Board of Directors for INACSL’s Research Priorities.
Standards Committee Chair: Lori Persico The Standards Committee is responsible for the development, quality assurance, and revision of the Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice™ as new evidence and best practices emerge from research.
Endorsement Committee Chair: Nadine Costandine The Endorsement Committee guides the process in which organizations can apply for Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice™ Endorsement. The committee organizes the application process, provides oversight for Endorsement reviewers, recruits and trains new reviewers, evaluates endorsement applications alongside reviewers, provides feedback to all Endorsement applicants, and promotes Endorsement internationally.