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Grants, Awards & Fellowships

INACSL promotes research, continuing education, and professional development to simulationists through various sponsored fellowships and grant awards.

In-Kind Vendor Grants

The INACSL In-Kind Vendor grant opportunity is a new addition to the INACSL research grant program. This grant provides INACSL Members an opportunity to collaborate with a vendor focused on simulation-based research. By offering in-kind support, the grant allows researchers to integrate new products into their simulation-based research in education and practice. Grant recipients will have a unique opportunity to work with a vendor committed to offering product licensing during a mutually agreed upon timeframe. Learn More.

INACSL Excellence Awards

The INACSL Excellence Awards are presented annually during the INACSL conference to acknowledge the exemplary contributions of our most dedicated and passionate volunteer leaders, educators, clinicians, and researchers within healthcare simulation. Learn More.

Hayden Vanguard Lectureship

As a master’s prepared nurse researcher, Jennifer Hayden completed one of the largest and most meaningful nursing education studies ever devised – the National Council of State Boards of Nursing: National Simulation Study. In honor of Jennifer’s work and to commemorate her legacy INACSL has created the Hayden Vanguard Lectureship, which is awarded annually to an individual who has contributed to the discipline and moved simulation forward in a meaningful way through their research, program, evaluation, or similar scholarly product. Learn More.

Debra Spunt Research Grant

Sponsored by Laerdal, the Debra Spunt Research Grant is designed to fund research that advances the science of simulation in healthcare and is related to at least one of the INACSL research priorities. Learn More.

INACSL Research Fellowship

INACSL offers a twelve-month research fellowship designed to develop future leaders in simulation research. Learn More.