INACSL23 Call for Abstracts

Join the ranks of your esteemed colleagues and submit your speaker proposals to present your knowledge and research at INACSL23, June 14-17 in Providence, RI.

Abstract submissions are now closed. 

Information submitted for each abstract will be saved in the system until completed. You do not need to complete your submission at one time. However, failure to complete the required documentation by the due date will result in your abstract being rejected.

An overview of requirements and tips is below to help you through the submission process. To learn more about how to write and abstract, click here. There is a maximum of 250 words per abstracts.

Abstract Categories

Podium Presentation

45-minute, concurrent time slots to include a question/answer (Q&A) period. Can be individual, panel (maximum of 5 people), or how-to formats.

Poster Presentation

Displaying a physical poster no larger than 8 feet wide x 4 feet tall (2.4 meters x 1.2 meters) in size. Posters will be set up on June 14 afternoon and removed on June 16 afternoon. If your poster is selected for presentation, at least one representative from the author team is required to participate in the Poster Reception on Thursday evening on June 15, 2023 by staffing the posters in order to answer questions and discuss the presentation with attendees.

Rising Star Poster Presentations

INACSL is committed to inclusive diversity in its leadership, membership, opportunities, and programming. The Rising Star in Simulation search is designed by the IncluDE committee and is an exclusive opportunity for underrepresented individuals and/or novice simulationists to share their work and create a foundation for their future scholarly activities in the field of simulation. Eligible applicants will have less than two years experience in simulation and never have presented at a national simulation conference. Applicants that are selected for the Rising Star award will be paired with a mentor to assist with the development of their poster presentation.

Pre-conference Workshop

Presenting on June 14 for either two (2) hours or four (4) hours the day before the conference begins. Authors are encouraged to work together to create a mini-symposium with multiple speakers presenting on the same topic for an equal amount of time (example: three experts on a topic submit together and each present for two hours). Individual submissions may be combined to create a symposium. Priority will be given to submissions on the topics of Augmented Virtual Reality, Debriefing, and Industry Best Practices.

Pre-conference Hands On Workshop

Presenting on June 14 for either two (2) hours or four (4) hours the day before the conference begins. Authors are encouraged to work together to create a mini-symposium with multiple speakers presenting on the same topic for an equal amount of time (example: three experts on a topic submit together and each present for two hours). Individual submissions may be combined to create a symposium. Priority will be given to submissions on the topics of Augmented Virtual Reality, Debriefing, and Industry Best Practices.

Hands-on Workshop

90-minute, concurrent time slots held during the main conference. Workshops are interactive sessions that involve the audience in some form of interactive participatory activity. Authors are encouraged to work together to create a mini-symposium with multiple speakers presenting on the same topic for an equal amount of time (example: three experts on a topic submit together and each present for 30 minutes).

Submission Tracks


In this category, any group of educators who work with any type of learners can apply. Abstracts for consideration may include: quality improvement, best practice, curricular changes, student outcomes, and/or innovative projects.


This category includes simulation centers, hospital-based programs, stand-alone programs, companies, and businesses where the focus is on organizational, system-wide, and/or global change or impact utilizing simulation.


The focus of these abstract submissions is on the operational aspects of launching, managing, and/or evaluating simulation programs. In addition, this could include the day to day operations such as moulage, scheduling, turn-over, and technical aspects of simulation.


Research could be from education, industry, and/or operations. Submissions in this category must be the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Systematic reviews are applicable. If human subjects are involved, institutional review board or ethics committee approval is required.

Lead Author

The author or individual submitting abstract documentation is:

  • Responsible for all communications pertaining to abstract status between INACSL and the abstract team.
  • Responsible for identifying all additional authors as co-authors in the system by providing names and email address for the creation of co-author profiles. Each abstract may have a maximum of 7 total authors (one Lead Author and six co-authors). These individuals may be contacted throughout the conference planning process regardless of whether or not they will attend the Conference.
  • Responsible for creating an unique login and password to submit abstract(s) at the bottom of this page. Once your account is set up, you will receive a confirmation email from [email protected]. All communications regarding the abstract and presentation process for the conference will be sent through this email address. If you do not see the confirmation, check your junk mailbox. Confirming receipt of this email will ensure that you receive all future communications. It is the responsibility of the lead author to inform INACSL if your email address changes, or you are unable to receive emails.
  • Responsible for completing the following required abstract documents by the deadline of October 31, 2022. Remember, you can save your submission and come back later, but all documentation must be completed prior to the due date. Once the lead author locks the documents for submission no changes can be made.

As an ANCC accredited provider of CNE, INACSL is required to collect some information in multiple documents. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact INACSL at [email protected]. Questions regarding ANCC requirements will be forwarded to the Lead Nurse Planner.

  • Responsible for reviewing options through the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) website for the posting of the final presentation slides (Podium presentations only) to the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository on STTI's website. This process will occur after the podium presentation has been accepted, confirmed, and scheduled.


Up to six co-authors may be identified by the lead author. Co-author(s) receive an email through the system requesting that they submit a Conflict of Interest. Each designated co-author is required to complete the information before an abstract is finalized.

Next Steps

Lead authors will receive an email by the end of February inviting them to present or notifying them that the abstract has been declined. A minimum of one author (lead or co-author) is required to register to attend the full conference as an attendee and present on behalf of the abstract team. Other authors are encouraged to register for the conference. However, all authors listed on the abstract will be listed on conference materials regardless of whether they register for the conference.

Click here for information about registration and lodging costs. If the presentation is cancelled due to missed deadlines, the registration discount will not be available.

Each person is welcome to submit an unlimited number of abstracts; however, the committee will not accept more than one abstract per Lead Author for presentation.